Monday, November 2, 2020

KiwiBank #Banqer App

This morning my classroom and I did a Banqer quiz. We had to login and then we had to answer 10 questions about money. If we finish our work and put it on our blog we get money from our teacher. I really enjoyed learning what a wage is even though the questions were a little bit hard for me. 


  1. Tēnā koe Yun. I really enjoyed reading your detailed blog post. I like the Banqer app too and money gets me really excited as well. Great work completing this activity.

  2. Kia ora Yun, this is Whaea Cam. You did a great job of sharing what you have been learning in your blog post. I hope Whaea Lenore gave you heaps of Banqer money for it! What is something you think you might save up for?
